7 Advantages of Working with a Google Certified Internet Marketing Partner

google-adwords-certified-partner-logo11-27 Advantages of Working with a Google Certified Internet Marketing Partner:

1. Certified Analysts and Account Managers — Any company that achieves Google Partner status must have employees with Google Adwords certifications managing their clients’ accounts. Google ensures that these certifications are current and that the company or agency meets Google’s standards for customer care best practices.
2.Masters of AdWords Features — Google Partners must be
well-versed in all the features of AdWords and use them in a way that is profitable to the client. Some features that Google Partners are required to master include the use of negative keywords, site links inside of ads, ad extensions, phrase match keywords, split testing with AdWords,
broad match modified keywords, and ad scheduling among others.
3.Google Ensures Profitability & Quality Customer Service — Google does this by reviewing an agency’s MCC or client accounts to make sure that they are giving their clients optimal service through improved quality scores. A high quality score involves maximizing the benefits of a campaign by ensuring that ads, keywords, and landing pages are bringing in the appropriate target market. Most of the time, a high quality score signifies a lower cost per click and a higher ROI for the client. Google also checks for conversion rates and client retention to be sure that an agency’s clients are happy with the services they are receiving.
4.Get a Leg up on the Competition with Beta Features – Companies that have achieved Google Partner status have access to Google’s beta features. This means that after Google has developed a new feature or application, its partners can test and use this feature up to a year or more before it is available to the general public. One such feature is called Search Companion Marketing, a retargeting feature that utilizes Display Network ads based on the search intent of the consumer, no matter if they’re searching on Yahoo, Bing, or Google. Imagine the advantages to be gained by using Google marketing features a year before your competition even has access to it!
5.Don’t Wait in Line – Google Partners with a large ad spend (around 100K per month) have their own Google Reps that they can contact any time a client has an issue without waiting in line. Let’s say your site has a problem with malware and your AdWords campaigns are shut down. You continue to lose money until those campaigns are reactivated. It usually takes about three days to address this matter, but if you or your agency has access to a Google Rep, the problem can be addressed immediately.
6.YouTube Advertising Experts – Google Partners must also know how to utilize YouTube advertising features including all TrueView video formats, call to action overlays, demographic targeting for video campaigns, and video remarketing, among others.
7.Guaranteed Testing & Innovation – Google Adwords Partners are required to show that they are actively doing split testing on ads to attract the greatest volume of customers to a client’s site. Google checks for multiple ads per campaign group to ensure the use of different keywords and messaging. Google encourages ongoing experimentation by targeting the various demographics that fall into a client’s target market.

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