7 Easy Tactics You Can Use to Grow Your Email List

7 Easy Tactics You Can Use to Grow Your Email List


  • You can ask your current customers for emails so they can receive offers, discounts, and other useful information.
  • Utilize a contest on Social Media. Sites like Facebook and Twitter present a great opportunity to run contests and collect emails that can be use in your re-marketing efforts.
  • Use a SMS Opting in Option for your email list. For example to join the marketing for the Future Email list text MKtg4theFuture to 22828.
  • Utilize QR codes, contests, and traditional media to enhance your email list growth.
  • Place opt in forms on different areas of your website. Test different locations often and stick with the one that delivers the most subscriptions.
  • Integrate email forms into special offering and coupon on your website.
  • Create free downloads or content that requires users to distribute their email to gain access. This can be useful when you have useful content someone is looking for.

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