Lower Your Companies CPCA With an internal SEO Audit on your Website

Lower Your Companies CPCA With an internal SEO Audit on your Website


How can a 30 Minute Website Audit Save your Company Thousands of Dollars?

It’s almost crazy to think how a quick SEO audit to make sure you have all the necessary aspects of promoting a successful website covered can save your company so much money. In the article below we will cover some very basic SEO questions to ask you web developer to make sure you are getting the most from your website, and not draining your entire budget on Pay Per Click, or Banner Advertisements.

The idea of an SEO audit is to rank better organically so you have to spend less money in other places. Here is a checklist you should go through with your internet marketing provider to make sure you aren’t draining your entire budget in PPC when you don’t have to.

An SEO audit can lead to a decrease in CPCA, Also known as Cost per Customer Acquisition.

Here’s a quick In House SEO audit you can run in housefor your company. Run through this checklist, and bring it to your boss exclaiming how you can decrease the CPCA. (Cost per customer Acquisition)

  • Browse through your website clicking on all visible links. Make sure they are all links that actually take you to a new webpage and not some weird server error. Broken links can hurt any website in the Search Algorithms. It doesn’t matter if they’re internal links to your website or external links to outside sources or information, if they are broken they are not helping you in search results.
  • Make sure your website is easily accessible to websites. To see how your website is being indexed in a particular search engine type in www.yourURL.com and see what comes up. You can also head over to Search Engine Simulator and enter your site’s URL to see how it’s being indexed. Another thing to do is make sure your site has been submitted to all major search engines to be indexed in the first place.

Ask questions and be proactive with your internet marketing provider. Some of the questions you should consider asking and learning more about are the following:

  1. Do my title tags contain relevant SEO keywords and relevant brand terms?
  2. Are my title tags no longer than 65 characters? (Short and to the point)
  3. Is my Meta description providing interesting content that will appeal to viewers of search engine results?
  4. Do each page on my websites contain a naturally written, keyword-rich <h2> tag?
  5. Do my pages contain internal links to help user and search engine robot movement throughout my site?
  6. Are my images and <alt> text optimized according to current SEO best practices?

Compare your back links and page rank with your competitors.

Use sites like http://www.prchecker.info/check_page_rank.php to check you page rank and http://www.searchenginegenie.com/google-back-link-checking.html to check backlinks to your site

Keep in mind Google webmaster tools also overs great information on back links and page rank, along with how you are being indexed on the search engines. So make sure your utilizing Webmaster tools also.

Check your websites speed and make sure it’s up with the times in this speedy internet world. To find out whether your site is fast, slow or somewhere in between, head over to Google’s Page Insights tool and enter your URL. This tool will then analyze your site’s load times and provide suggestions on making improvements. You can either make changes on your own or enlist the help of a developer if they require technical expertise.

By optimizing your on page SEO in combination with an off page SEO strategy, you can dramatically increase your organic traffic. If you can continue to drive quality traffic to your website that’s converting into customers then you are in a much better position then someone relying on PPC to drive the same qualified traffic.

If you can decrease your PPC budget by 30% and maintain the same amount of qualified traffic you were generating before your 30% PPC cut… would he be a happy camper? *Results will and do vary*

For a free SEO audit visit. http://www.mktg4thefuture.com/Contact.html

One Last tip:

Make sure you are calming your blog on Google+. Alot of what I am hearing is Author Rank is like the new page rank. Look at the image below and read our previous blog post on how to accomplish Author rank.  (See images on left, and below for an example of our CEO, Caleb Tennenbaum Authoring two separate websites.)GoogleAuthorRankCalebTennenbaum

CAleb Tennenbaum Marketing

Have more ideas? We would love to hear them in the comments section below!

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